What is RTOS? Why is it so important?
RTOS - Real Time Operating System is a software component mainly used in embedded systems as software to manage the various tasks and most importantly meet the deadlines.
@startuml Bob -> Alice : hello @enduml
Generally, RTOS is divided into two types, based on the need to meet the task deadlines.
- Hard RTOS
- Soft RTOS
Bob -> Alice : hello world
![Alt text](https://g.gravizo.com/svg?@startuml;%20Object%20%3C | –%20ArrayList;%20Object%20:%20equals%28%29;%20ArrayList%20:%20Object[]%20elementData;%20ArrayList%20:%20size%28%29;@enduml) |
Hard RTOS which may result in catastrophic event if deadline of the task is missed, while Soft RTOS may only slow the system in case the task deadline is missed.
[Real Time Operating System] ..>[Hard RTOS]
[Real Time Operating System] ..>[Soft RTOS]